Not Paying
Fixed 620% after a day
Min/Max: 30 / 20000
Referral: 10-5-2%
Our Investment: $100.00
Payout Ratio: 4%
Last Payout: Jul 4th, 2021
Added: May 7th, 2021
Monitored: 86 days
Lifetime: 86 days
CoinsExports LTD is a diversified investment company established in 2019 with company number No.12678553, headquartered in the United Kingdom. The fields we are involved in include: cryptocurrency, foreign exchange, stock market and ICOs. We have a team of experts, traders and analysts from a wide range of investment industries, all of whom have more than 5 years of experience in their respective industries, and Has very deep experience in investment transactions. At the same time, we have an advanced AI system and big data analysis system, combined with key information, current BTC trading prices, trading volumes and trading strategies, the system will provide the most appropriate advice (short selling or buying long), plus rich experience Of investment experts, we believe that this will be the best combination, investors’ funds will not have any risk, and we will provide safe and stable profits. Join us and you will find that this is the right decision you made..[Read More]